




Chinese and American television channels in the United States have sought reports of Chinese moderators in the Mainland some time ago. After a period of selection, between Lu Yu, Guo Jin, and Li Xia, the Chinese channel of China-US Television finally chose Guo Jin. The signing ceremony of the two parties was held in Beijing yesterday. </ p>

China-US TV is the earliest Chinese TV station in the United States. It was founded in New York in 1975. The famous host Jin Yuxi once hosted the “Watch China” column on the station. Mr. Guo Yanhua, the “Shaodongjia” of the Chinese and American television Chinese channel, personally participated in the selection of moderators. Mr. Guo Yanhua said that his expectations for the Chinese cultural world have made him come to China many times, watch Chinese programs, learn about the Chinese cultural world, make friends with Chinese cultural people, and finally fulfill his many years of Chinese cultural dreams. He feels that now is a very strong and very good time for Chinese culture and cultural people to make their debut to the world. The Chinese and American TV programs hosted by Yang Lan and Jin Yuxi made them the two female anchors who were very famous in the American Chinese television industry at that time.
Regarding Guo Jin, a person from China-US Television said that Guo Jin was the first beauty pageant in mainland China to become famous in Hong Kong. She has made a lot of film and television dramas from Miss Asia to her career. It can be seen in many Chinese stations and audiovisual tapes. She is also the host of CCTV. She is an excellent actor and an excellent TV presenter. Because of years of accumulation, she has too many things to do and words to say. After a lot of consideration, China-US TV finally chose Guo Jin. She also hoped that she could use the big channel of China-US TV to communicate more with the world audience. Yesterday, Guo Jin also said that she was very surprised to choose her. She hoped to take this opportunity to show her hosting ability to the world audience. </ p>

The first program by Guo Guojin is a series of documentaries about contemporary Chinese film and television stars, “Contemporary Chinese Film and Television Stars”, which mainly shows Chinese stars and their growth experience to the world. At present, the program has interviewed a number of well-known film and television stars such as Chen Daoming, Guan Zhilin, Zhang Xueyou.

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